Monday, September 30, 2019

Line Between Tough Love and Child Abuse Essay

Poets and authors have tried to define love for centuries, whereas scientists have only recently started. Many of us know intuitively that love is a major purpose for living; (Blueprint, 2013) that connection is inherent in all that we do, and without love, we cannot survive as a species. But what is love, and how do we know when we’re in it? First , let’s start off with what love isn’t. If someone asks you to do or say something that isn’t in your nature, that isn’t true love. Smith, 2002) Although love does involve compromises between partners, someone who is in love with you will never ask you to change who you are in order to be loved. True Love is caring. The ancient Greeks had many different names for different forms of love: passion, virtuous, affection for the family, desire, and general affection. But no matter how love is defined, they all hold a common trait: caring. (Blueprint, 2013) True Love is attractive. Attraction and chemistry form the bond that allows people to mate. Without this romantic desire for another individual, a relationship is nothing more than lust or infatuation. True Love is attached. Like the mother-child bond, attachment comes after the initial attraction. Attachment is the long term love that appears anywhere from one to three years into a romantic relationship (sometimes sooner and very rarely after), and you’ll know you’ve found it when you can honestly say, (Smith, 2002) â€Å"I’ve seen the worst and the best you have to offer, and I still love you,† while your partner feels the same way. True Love is committed. When it comes to true love, commitment is more than just monogamy. It’s the knowledge that your partner cares for you and has your back, no matter what the circumstances. People who are strongly committed to one another will, when faced with seemingly negative information about their partner, see only the positive. For example, a friend comments that your partner doesn’t say a lot. â€Å"Ah yes, he’s the strong, silent type,† you reply. People with less commitment to their partner would instead say something like, â€Å"Yeah, I can never have conversation with him. It’s annoying. † True Love is Intimate. Intimacy is a crucial component of all relationships, regardless of their nature. In order to know another, you need to share parts of yourself. This self-revealing behavior, when reciprocated, (Teicher, 2000) forms an emotional bond. Over time this bond strengthens and even evolves, so that two people merge closer and closer together. Intimacy by itself if is a great friendship, but compiled with the other things in this list, it forms an equation for true love. Within the minimum standards set by CAPTA, each State is responsible for providing its own definitions of child abuse and neglect. Most States recognize four major types of maltreatment: physical abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and emotional abuse. Although any of the forms of child maltreatment may be found separately, (Blueprint, 2013) they often occur in combination. In many States, abandonment and parental substance abuse are also defined as forms of child abuse or neglect. The examples provided below are for general informational purposes only. Not all States’ definitions will include all of the examples listed below, and individual States’ definitions may cover additional situations not mentioned here. Physical abuse is no accidental physical injury (ranging from minor bruises to severe fractures or death) as a result of punching, beating, kicking, biting, shaking, throwing, stabbing, choking, hitting (with a hand, stick, strap, or other object), burning, or otherwise harming a child, that is inflicted by a parent, caregiver, or other person who has responsibility for the child. Perry, 2002) Such injury is considered abuse regardless of whether the caregiver intended to hurt the child. Physical discipline, such as spanking or paddling, is not considered abuse as long as it is reasonable and causes no bodily injury to the child. Neglect is the failure of a parent, guardian, or other caregiver to provide for a child’s basic needs. (Perry, 2002) Neglect may be physical (failure to provide necessary food or shelter, or lack of appropriate supervision), medical (e. g. failure to provide necessary medical or mental health treatment), educational (e. g. , failure to educate a child or attend to special education needs), or emotional (e. g. , inattention to a child’s emotional needs, failure to provide psychological care, or permitting the child to use alcohol or other drugs). These situations do not always mean a child is neglected. Sometimes cultural values, the standards of care in the community, and poverty may be contributing factors, indicating the family is in need of information or assistance. Teicher, 2000) When a family fails to use information and resources, and the child’s health or safety is at risk, then child welfare intervention may be required. In addition, many States provide an exception to the definition of neglect for parents who choose not to seek medical care for their children due to religious beliefs that may prohibit medical intervention. Sexual abuse includes activities by a parent or caregiver such as fondling a child’s genitals, penetration, incest, rape, sodomy, indecent exposure, and exploitation through prostitution or the production of pornographic materials. Sexual abuse is defined by CAPTA as â€Å"the employment, use, persuasion, inducement, enticement, or coercion of any child to engage in, or assist any other person to engage in, any sexually explicit conduct or simulation of such conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of such conduct; or the rape, and in cases of caretaker or inter-familial relationships, statutory rape, molestation, prostitution, or other form of sexual exploitation of children, or incest with children. Emotional abuse (or psychological abuse) is a pattern of behavior that impairs a child’s emotional development or sense of self-worth. This may include constant criticism, threats, or rejection, as well as withholding love, support, or guidance. Emotional abuse is often difficult to prove and, therefore, (Teicher, 2000) child protective services may not be able to intervene without evidence of harm or mental injury to the child. Emotional abuse is almost always present when other forms are i dentified. Abandonment is now defined in many States as a form of neglect. (Perry, 2002) In general, a child is considered to be abandoned when the parent’s identity or whereabouts are unknown, the child has been left alone in circumstances where the child suffers serious harm, or the parent has failed to maintain contact with the child or provide reasonable support for a specified period of time. Tough love simply means that if your child decides to do anything that can harm him/her or others that you have to love your child enough to take a stand against that behavior. If this means that you have to report your child to the authorities, whether the law or teachers, then you need to do it. It also means that if you find that you need help with your child for whatever reason that you should ask for it. There is nothing shameful about having a child who is out of control. It happens to the best of parents. What would be shameful is not to do anything. The fastest and best way to implement tough love techniques with your child is to simply start making them fully responsible for their own actions. (Blueprint, 2013) Don’t pay or legal representation, don’t bail them out with teachers, and don’t interfere in the natural consequences that may happen. Sometimes, you may even need to go further in the case of a child putting others in danger via drinking or drugging and driving. Take the car, take the money, take the phone, remove all privileges, and if that doesn’t work, you may have to call the police on your child who is pract icing illegal behaviors. Don’t give multiple warnings and threats. (Teicher, 2000) Teenagers just stop believing you, if you don’t back up your words with actions. Giving natural consequences a push in the right direction can go far in helping your child, while you’re still there for emotional support as long as they’re doing the right thing, can help a child straighten their life out before they are on their own. Child abuse is more than bruises and broken bones. While physical abuse might be the most visible, other types of abuse, such as emotional abuse and neglect, also leave deep, lasting scars. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to heal and break the cycle—rather than perpetuate it. By learning about common signs of abuse and what you can do to intervene, you can make a huge difference in a child’s life. While physical abuse is shocking due to the scars it leaves, not all child abuse is as obvious. Ignoring children’s needs, putting them in unsupervised, dangerous situations, or making a child feel worthless or stupid are also child abuse. Regardless of the type of child abuse, the result is serious emotional harm. An estimated 905,000 children were victims of child abuse or neglect in 2006 (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2008). While physical injuries may or may not be immediately visible, abuse and neglect can have consequences for children, families, and society that last lifetimes, if not generations. The impact of child abuse and neglect is often discussed in terms of physical, psychological, behavioral, and societal consequences. In reality, however, it is impossible to separate them completely. Physical consequences, such as damage to a child’s growing brain, can have psychological implications such as cognitive delays or emotional difficulties. Psychological problems often manifest as high-risk behaviors. Depression and anxiety, for example, may make a person more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol or illicit drugs, or overeat. High-risk behaviors, in turn, can lead to long-term physical health problems such as sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, and obesity. This factsheet provides an overview of some of the most common physical, psychological, behavioral, and societal consequences of child abuse and neglect, while acknowledging that much crossover among categories exists. The immediate emotional effects of abuse and neglect—isolation, fear, and an inability to trust—can translate into lifelong consequences including low self-esteem, depression, and relationship difficulties. (Teicher, 2000) Researchers have identified links between child abuse and neglect and the following: In one long-term study, as many as 80 percent of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least one psychiatric disorder at age 21. These young adults exhibited many problems, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicide attempts (Silverman, Reinherz, & Giaconia, 1996). Other psychological and emotional conditions associated with abuse and neglect include panic disorder, dissociative disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and reactive attachment disorder (Teicher, 2000). The National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-Being recently found children placed in out-of-home care due to abuse or neglect tended to score lower than the general population on measures of cognitive capacity, language development, and academic achievement (2003). Children who are abused and neglected by caretakers often do not form secure attachments to them. These early attachment difficulties can lead to later difficulties in relationships with other adults as well as with peers (Morrison, Frank, Holland, & Kates, 1999). Not all victims of child abuse and neglect will experience behavioral consequences; however, child abuse and neglect appear to make the following more likely: Studies have found abused and neglected children to be at least 25 percent more likely to experience problems such as delinquency, teen pregnancy, low academic achievement, drug use, and mental health problems (Kelley et al. , 1997). A National Institute of Justice study indicated being abused or neglected as a child increased the likelihood of arrest as a juvenile by 59 percent. Abuse and neglect increased the likelihood of adult criminal behavior by 28 percent and violent crime by 30 percent (Widom & Maxfield, 2001). Research consistently reflects an increased likelihood that abused and neglected children will smoke cigarettes, abuse alcohol, or take illicit drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, as many as two-thirds of people in drug treatment programs reported being abused as children (2000).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Human Development Essay

â€Å"Ten year old Greg, listens to his younger sibling’s plea for signing a ‘Parent Confirmation Report’ for school affirming that the parent was aware about the child in question not completing his home test paper. Father is out of town, and mother is sick in bed. Greg has to think quickly as to how to react to this plea keeping in mind the dilemma of doing a wrong deed of signing a parent report without the parent’s knowledge and protecting the young one from the teacher’s wrath the next day. He knows well, he cannot share it with the parents. Greg finally gives in to his brother’s plea just this once, but strictly warns him not to repeat this again. The next day Greg bakes a cake for his sick mother, as repentance for his wrong deed. † According to Piaget’s theory, Greg can be said to be evolving from the second stage of Moral Realism to the third stage of Moral Relativity. Greg is at an age appropriate stage as per this theory as he displays behavior from moral relativity stage by accepting to do a wrong deed for the sake of protecting his brother and not troubling the sick mother thereby displaying stage-appropriate behavior that rules are not fixed, and can be changed by mutual consent. However, Greg also displays behavior from the earlier stage of moral realism by warning his brother not to repeat the act as rules are made by an authority and should be observed. He vents out his feelings of guilt by doing a special deed for his mother by baking a cake for her. According to Kohlberg’s theory, Greg displays classic behavior from the Conventional level, stage 3, the Good Boy-Girl stage. He yearns to be the good brother and good son by doing what is required of him in the dilemma. However, he also displays some behavior of the stage 4, Law and order, that the act is wrong, and should not be repeated hereafter, thereby suggesting his transitional phase between the two stages. Greg is not displaying age appropriate behavior considering Kohlberg’s second level of reasoning develops in early adolescence. Greg seems to be at an advanced level as per this theory. References Berk, L. E. (1996). Moral development. Child Development (pp. 481-489). New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Private Limited.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Philosophical Analogy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Philosophical Analogy - Essay Example While Plato was Aristotle's mentor, Foucault was once Derrida's teacher. Derrida and Foucault are both French philosophers who are part of 20th-Century-Western Philosophy. As would be expected, the latter philosophers would have a considerable amount of study on the works or references of the earlier theorists. Derrida's work Plato's Pharmacy is an attack to Plato's famous work Phaedrus. While Foucault counters Aristotle's "enduring substances" with his claim that everything is "historically contingent". Plato's Phaedrus "is a rich and enigmatic text that treats a range of important philosophical issues, including metaphysics, the philosophy of love, and the relation of language to reality, especially in regard to the practices of rhetoric and writing" (Zuern par. 1). In this particular dialogue, Plato through the character Socrates (with his conversation with Phaedrus) shows explicit criticisms on the art of rhetoric and writing. He argues that rhetoric is not based on truth but that rhetoric practitioners can and will "make small things appear great and great things small", and adds that these people "have discovered how to argue concisely and at infinite length about any subject" and use "words' magic spell" (267). His stance is that, rhetoric is misleading and only aims to be persuasive to achieve its goal in whatever means, without being truthful. It is, as far as he is concerned, only dependent on language and words and not on truth. What Plato favors and promotes is the use of his dialectical method, the method which is "capable of helping itself as well as the (person) who planted it" and "produces a seed from which more discourse grows in the character of others" (277). The idea is that, compared to rhetoric (writing), the dialectical method (speech), can construe clearer definitions by means of producing further discussions, which would validate or not the claim of truth, and thus, would achieve value, with the truth it is affirming and not merely by the rhetoric of writing. This argument is deconstructed by Derrida in his work Plato's Pharmacy, where he centralizes his analogy on Plato's use of the term pharmakon in his works. With that analogy, Derrida highlights the ambiguity of Plato's distinction of the sophist's rhetoric from the philosopher's dialectical method. Derrida questions Plato's preference of "living" speech over "dead" writing. To understand the way Derrida deconstructed Plato's Phaedrus, it is important to go back to the latter's work and analyze the way pharmakon was used. First off though, we have to establish what the term means prior to Plato's context. Pharmakon is "from a Greek word meaning both poison and cure" (Maslin par. 8). Thus, it has a neutral stance, it does not have a negative or a positive connotation attached to it. It can either be a harmful poison or a helpful medicine, making the word ambiguous and would only take its meaning depending on the context of its use. The term is first encountered on Phaedrus, taking on a different form pharmacia. On their way to leave Athens, Phaedrus and Socrates came across the place where it was said that the mythic Oreithuia was taken away by Boreas. Socrates then goes to assume that perhaps "a gust of the North Wind blew (Oreithuia) over the rocks where she was playing with Pharmacia; and once she was killed that way people

Friday, September 27, 2019

The United States Stand on Terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

The United States Stand on Terrorism - Essay Example In the 1960s to ’70s, domestic terrorism became rampant involving hijacking of planes not sparing flights from the United States to Cuba. Terrorism continued globally and reached the United States. Terroristic activities were reported in some parts of the country however treated domestically. In 2001, Al Qaeda attacked the United States territory for the first time not only destroying the famous world trade center but had caused overwhelming effects on the people. With this provocation and problems of terrorism, the United States launched an all-out war against terrorism and they should rule the world against terrorism having the following reasons; the United States is the strongest country, it has a good relationship with other countries, and it has done so much to help other countries. The United States is the strongest country. Although the country is affected by the global crisis, the United States remains to be the world’s largest national economy with a GDP of nea rly 14.7 million ( Wikipedia,1). Having a strong economy had widened their influence to other countries. Along with this line, if the United States wants to solicit cooperation from other countries to fight terrorism, more countries would positively participate to support such action. Terrorism cannot be effectively managed by one country alone. Thus, the collaboration of many countries is needed. Having a strong economy also means having a strong military. The United States has been observed to have such a strong military because of efficient and enough training provided them. If the military has a stronghold, they can be able to defend the country for possible violent attacks as they are prepared. Combating terrorism entails preparedness plan to be effective (DO, 1). The United States has a good relationship with other countries be it in the Pacific, the Americas, East Asia, the Caribbean or in Europe.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The culture( Values & norms) and the artifacts culture of United Essay

The culture( Values & norms) and the artifacts culture of United Nation Environment Program (UNEP ) - Essay Example UNEP documented the "Cultural and Spiritual Values of Diversity" in 1999 in which the organization put forward that biodiversity must be recognized in terms of employee diversity since different people and cultures view and appreciate it exclusively because of their unique experiences and heritages. Every employee in UNEP must put in mind that, for the organization to conserve the natural gifts, he or she must learn more about it and how best to interact with the same environment. In addition, the faith of employees play a major role in promoting responsible behavior, encouraging individual discipline, maintaining high morals, that supersede the need for instant gratification with no self-interest and responsibility in order to achieve comprehensive and long-term benefits for the environment as well as for humanity. Ethical values, solidarity, justice, tolerance, equality, respect for human rights, and protecting the environment are the building blocks for UNEP. Some norms and values give guidance in the daily operations of UNEP. Communication activities must respect the charter of the organization and its core values of professionalism, integrity, and diversified respect. All stakeholder needs such as regionalization must be fully integrated into the whole process of communications delivery and planning, which ought to be service-oriented. In one spirit, UNEP members should support all the strategies and policies laid down and offer cross-divisional support and collaboration towards achieving a conducive environment. Most importantly, UNEP aims at attaining the highest quality of editorial levels, accessibility and relevance for all its members, thus all member states should corporate through having ethical values regarding the surroundings. It is against the policies of UNEP for any staff member or nation to be unresponsive, lack knowledge and information, or fail

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Environmental Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Environmental Economics - Essay Example The principle of efficiency states that it is almost impossible to make someone happy without causing another person to be unhappy. This means that it is hard to achieve a situation where there is no drilling and at the same time there is no effect on the economy of the country. If the drilling process is continued then pollution will increase a lot but at the same time there will be an improvement in the economy of the state. This means that a way should be sought so as to balance the benefits and the cost so that one side does not exceed the other. This is done by having the efficiency standards. The efficiency standards for the drilling process are that a certain amount of drilling should not be exceeded. This controls the way that the drilling companies drill and the extent at which they can go. The safety standards that are in place is that no one is expected to go into the drilling sites without proper clothing that prevent them from being hurt. The drilling companies are not a llowed to dig past some depth, in order to avoid a situation where the walls of the drilling sites collapse and kill people. The number of people that work in the drilling site must also be known and they have to be checked every month for any abnormalities. Hospitals and doctors are also expected to be near this site so that incase there is any medical emergency one can be rushed to the hospital (Goodstein 54) Measuring the cost of environmental protection This is the measure of how costly it is to the government and all other stakeholders when the negative impact of drilling is seen. There are lots of negative effects that cost the government when it comes to hydrofracking. This includes the engineering costs as well as the cost such as treating the people who are affected negatively by the drilling process. The engineering cost are the total cost of coming up with the plant which include building and equipping the plant over a lifetime. This is the main cost of the drilling proce ss as it entails a lot of equipment, a lot of skilled and unskilled labour so that the plant can run. These costs also include the pollution control costs; these are the costs that are to be met in order to prevent any pollution from occurring. The table below shows how the cost of engineering has been estimated since the 1990 to date and how it is related. Type of pollutant 1972 1980 1990 200 Air $12.9 $28.8 $45.1 $71.5 Water $15 $30 $55 $93 Land $10 $18 $43 $61 Chemicals $0.1 $1 $1.5 $2 other $1 $1 $1.7 $2.7 total $78 $150 $260 $360 According to this report the government spends a lot of cash in trying to avoid pollution that is caused by drilling than the amount that it gets from some of its investments. The negative effects that are associated with drilling include the costs of treating those that are affected by the radiations and other effects of the drilling process. The issues are cancer related, and also include diseases and those deaths that come as a result of drilling. I t is estimated that the government spent a total of $467 B in the treatment of those that were affected by the drilling process. This means that it is costing the government a lot of money to treat and to try and cover for the effect that comes with the influence of the drilling process. Measuring benefits that come with the drilling process include the income that it brings to the government. The drilling proces

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research and academic review related to the strategic importance of Essay

Research and academic review related to the strategic importance of knowledge and the different approaches organisations take to - Essay Example Knowledge and Information Knowledge generally refers to the practical use of information. On the other hand, information refers to the general data expresses by words, images, sounds and number. Information can be shared, stored or transported. On the other hand, knowledge does not have these characteristics. Global retail industry has been considered for the study in order to determine the importance of knowledge in the business process of several organizations within the industry. Only gathering information about advanced process or a new process cannot help an individual or an organization to get success through it. The organizations need to significant level of expertise and knowledge how to implement these applications or tools (Schnedlitz, Morschett and Rudolph, 2010, p.109). It is true that knowledge as opposed to information has become the competitive driver over recent years. Global retail industry has become highly competitive due to the presence of several leading organiza tions. Organizations like Tesco, Walmart, Morrison’s, Sainsbury and others are trying to implement significant strategies in the business process to ensure positive business growth. ... It is true that information about some business tools and strategies help the organizations to think about further strategy development process. But, knowledge about these tools and achieved information can help the organization to make effective decisions that will ensure organizational goal. Knowledge as key source of wealth Earlier, capital, land and labour were considered as the source of wealth and business profit. Now-a-days, knowledge is considered as source of wealth for several business organizations. The major challenge of the knowledge based economy is to ensure and foster innovation. Several leading organizations within the retail industry are trying to capitalize on the potential opportunities that have been created due to globalization and technological revolution (Varley, 2013, p.19). It is true that organizations can adopt and implement advanced technological process in business operation but, cannot get success without effective knowledge about the implementation pro cess. Several leading and popular retail chains around the globe are trying to implement advanced technology in each and every business function, such as manufacturing, logistics and supply chain, finance and human resource management. Competitive success is based on how strategically the organizations intellectually manage the capital. Effective knowledge management is considered as an important strategic instrument. The organizations within the retail industry are implementing differentiated technical instruments to enhance business process. It is true that implementation of advanced technology in logistics and supply chain management helps the leading retail chains to reduce business operation time and cost

Monday, September 23, 2019

Mass Communication Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Mass Communication Theory - Essay Example The prime requirement of any news story to make it a news story is that is should be accurate and contain facts or ideas that are interesting to a considerable number of recipients. Everyday a news editor and publisher receives a number of different information pieces that fit the criteria of being new but not every news is publishable, therefore there are certain elements that a news piece must have to get the place in the paper or on airtime (Bonnie Anderson, 2004).  Of the most fundamental criteria, that every news article has to meet to acquire a place in the mass media is its timeliness. Although the factor of is not always essential but hot burning news is always eagerly awaited than then the old and stale news and becomes a good news piece easily passing the selection table. Timeliness or temporality of the news or the current news is the very essence of the news media. The importance of this peculiar feature of news cannot be over-emphasized. Proximity also plays its role i n making the news piece get pass the selection process because it greatly increases the importance for the audience. Sometimes novelty and uniqueness of the event also adds importance to the news that makes it qualify the news selection process. Man is always curious to know the things that he does not know before and therefore always tries not let go of an opportunity to satiate certain aspects of his curiosity. Another important element that plays an important role in the selection.... Everyday a news editor and publisher receives a number of different information pieces that fit the criteria of being new but not every news is publishable, therefore there are certain elements that a news piece must have to get the place in the paper or on airtime (Bonnie Anderson, 2004). Of the most fundamental criteria, that every news article has to meet to acquire a place in the mass media is its timeliness. Although the factor of is not always essential but hot burning news is always eagerly awaited than then the old and stale news and becomes a good news piece easily passing the selection table. Timeliness or temporality of the news or the current news is the very essence of the news media. The importance of this peculiar feature of news cannot be over-emphasized. Proximity also plays its role in making the news piece get pass the selection process because it greatly increases the importance for the audience. Sometimes novelty and uniqueness of the event also adds importance t o the news that makes it qualify the news selection process. Man is always curious to know the things that he does not know before and therefore always tries not let go of an opportunity to satiate certain aspects of his curiosity. Another important element that plays an important role in the selection of the news event is the size of the event. A small training plane accident with no human casualty may be news but not as important as a crash of a 747 with over 400 passengers and huge death toll. There is no way such news will not be able to get a place in the news media. The importance of the news is also determined by the policy of the newspaper or news-channel. An economic analysis of the current national affairs done by the economic news

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Healthy living Essay Example for Free

Healthy living Essay Healthy lifestyle for both adults and children is more important than anything else. Healthy lifestyle habits will reduce your risk of getting diseases; you will feel better, have more energy and prevent the risk of chronic diseases. Living healthy also helping you to feel happy and have more self confidence which results in a better quality of life . in today’s The term healthy lifestyle encompasses several factors that need to be brought together in order to gain the benefits, namely exercise, healthy eating and a body mass index (BMI) in a normal range. Healthy lifestyle, particularly for children is their insurance policy for a lifetime of good health, and as research has shown, may significantly reduce the chance of contracting chronic illnesses and diseases. Regular physical activity is important for a healthy growth, development and well-being of children, the British Heart Foundation has carried out research into the fact of living a healthy lifestyle, eating healthy can stop you gaining weight, which means reducing the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure. It can also help lower your cholesterol levels and reduce your risk of some cancers. Chronic illnesses associated with obesity, lack o exercise and a poor diet include the following * Coronary heart disease * Cancer * Stroke * Diabetes * High blood pressure (Hypertension) * Chronic Obstructive pulmonary Disease (COPD) 2. Healthy Eating along with a healthy BMI and exercise is the third element of a healthy lifestyle for children is eating a healthy diet. A healthy diet is again protective against a whole host of chronic illnesses, eating fruit and vegetables everyday helps children’s grow and develop, boosts their vitality and can reduce the risk of many chronic diseases And children are especially susceptible to behavioural problems due to deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals that are derived from the food that we eat. Educations by example in the young child greatly improve their chances of eating a wide variety of nutritious foods as they move from childhood into adolescence. Children who eat meal around the table with others are more likely to try different foods, therefore lowering the possibility of them becoming picky eaters. In order to eat healthily food should be selected from the various different groups to make up a nutritionally balanced plate. These groups are * Carbohydrates potatoes, rice, bread, pasta and other starchy food * Protein meat, eggs, fish, beans, milk, cheese, and other dairy products * Fat butter, oil, spreads * Fruit and vegetables * Sugars sugary drinks, sweets 3. Activities for young children, Regular physical activity are important for the healthy growth, development and wellbeing of children and young people Physical play and leisure activities can have a hugely positive effect on children’s healthy living. Even though IT and computer games are becoming more popular with the children instead of traditional exercises, they still need physical exercises into their everyday routines. In 2006 professors in Glasgow identified through a study of 545 nursery school children, that one hour of exercise a day was required for children to maintain a healthy BMI, in addition to eating healthy diet. Play is an essential part of a Childs development and we are focusing here particularly on the physical and mental wellbeing aspects. There are many opportunities in the local community for involving children in physical exercises for example of these * Trips to the local park * Indoor children’s play centres * Specialist activities for children at leisure and recreation centres Creative in add ion to the physical activities as a means of promoting a healthy lifestyle, cookery demonstrations and activities can have a profound effect on children encouraging them to prepare and taste healthy foods that they may not have previously been introduced to. The use of different colours and textures of food in recipes can fuel a child excitement and interest where it may not have previously been held. Games displays and the creation of posters can all assist with the promotion of a healthy lifestyle for young children. 4. Wellbeing is the state of being comfortable healthy and happy. In child it is necessary to evaluate children regularly to identify any children who may be displaying sings of emotional or social difficulties affecting their wellbeing. Children should feel comfortable enough to be able to express themselves in an environment that they perceive as positive and safe, and this should be encouraged. Wellbeing for families there are many public and private courses that run including the triple p programs (positive parents programs) which runs nationwide offering invaluable support to parents. Courses are available for different age groups of children and are delivered by experienced and appropriately trained practitioners. These courses have proved a lifeline for some parents who have been struggling in silence to conquer various emotional, physical or behavioural aspects of their children’s lives. This is a fantastic tool for improving parent’s wellbeing and offers an opportunity for parents to meet in secure non judgemental and confident environment where they can discuss their own issues that they are experiencing with practitioners and fellow parents †¦

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Written methods Essay Example for Free

Written methods Essay E-mail is used in Perkins as a fast and detailed way to communicate to communicate between departments of the business and a way to send documents from one place to another quickly by attaching them to an E-mail.  ICT robots are used as an easy way to build the engines because all they needed to do was to install some software and programme them for what they are needed to do. Written methods  Financial documents are used as communication to customers and to confirm that their order has been received. There are a variety of financial documents starting with the Order form then going to the delivery note followed by the credit (if needed) ect. Letters are also used as communication to customers, suppliers and other Perkins factories.  Oral  Department meetings are used in Perkins because it is a way for the heads of each of the departments to say what is happening in their department and also to assign jobs to each department and to show others designs for their newest engines. These meetings are time consuming and they might also cause conflict between colleagues sharing their opinions about what is happening in the business. These meetings are held once a week in Perkins and they are attended heads of all functional areas or the head of one department and their employees. Production meetings are used to share ideas about what the next engine will be like. These meetings are also time consuming and can be disrupted easily by lateness.  C2  Communication inside functional areas  Email is used inside the functional areas to send information to other employees this is good because it keeps the employees up to date with what is happening within the department, it is also a fast way of communicating and you can also attach documents. Email can also be bad because employees might send the wrong information or they might send it to the wrong employee. Department meeting are useful inside Perkins no matter if it is a meeting with all the department heads or just the one head of that specific department (this is the one I shall talk about in this paragraph) this is a good method of communication because it means that all employees shall know what their newest assignment but these meetings can also be bad because they are easily disrupted by people being late and these meeting can also cause conflict between workers and compromise the amount of engines made, if some employees are not getting along it will bring down worker morale. Fax is used inside functional area to send important documents around the functional area of the business. This is good because it is like a photo copier and a telephone because employees can send other employees documents and still have the original copy.  Between functional areas  Fax is used between functional areas in the same way as they use it inside the functional area of the business.  Intranet is used between functional areas because it is like a closed circuit internet just for Perkins. It is used to give employees a basic idea of what they may need to do. This is made by the Administration department to let employees know what customers they are providing for and what types of engines they would like. Email is used between functional areas because they can send documents of what the customer wants and how they want it made. This is used by employees to send each other information quickly and neatly.  Communication with people outside the business  The telephone is used to contact people outside Perkins. This can be used to contact people who work for Perkins or customers of Perkins (Perkins generally does not phone customers but they use letters and financial documents) Telephone conferencing is used to have three or more way conversations for people who work at home for Perkins this is useful because they dont have to keep putting people on hold. Telephone conferencing can also be bad because employees may not be able to understand others if they are from other countries. This can also be used to communicate with rich customers.  Letters are used to communicate with customers to see what they want and if they are still loyal to Perkins. They are also used to communicate to shareholders so they can have the information about how the business is running.

Friday, September 20, 2019

In-place Pile Foundation for a Tower-building Project

In-place Pile Foundation for a Tower-building Project CHAPTER 1 1 Introduction Pile foundations are used to carry a load and transfer the load of a given structure to the ground bearing, which is found below the ground at a considerable depth. The foundation consists of several piles and pile-caps. Pile foundations are generally long and lean, that transfers the structure load to the underlying soil (at a greater depth) or any rock having a great load-bearing ability. â€Å"The main types of materials used for piles are Wood, steel and concrete. Piles made from these materials are driven, drilled or jacked into the ground and connected to pile caps. Depending upon type of soil, pile material and load transmitting characteristic piles are classified accordingly.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith). The objective of this project is to identify the design use of a cast-in-place pile foundation, for the tower-building project. The tower building project is called the Gemini Towers. The purpose of this construction (building) is to facilitate office spaces. This also resides on a rocky area. The building has been designed as per state-of-the-art designing concepts which are basically to attract foreign investors to invest in Oman. The Gemini Building has 1 basement, 1 ground and 19 floors. Cast-in-place concrete piles are shafts of concrete cast in thin shell pipes, top driven in the soil, and usually closed end. Such piles can provide up to a 200-kip capacity. The chief advantage over precast piles is the ease of changing lengths by cutting or splicing the shell. The material cost of cast-in-place piles is relatively low. They are not feasible when driving through hard soils or rock. 1.1 Aim The aim of this project is to design and propose cast in-place pile foundation for a tower-building project and study the efficiency for the same. To achieve this aim the following objective has to be achieved. 1.2 Objectives The objectives of this project are as following: To study the field soil condition, suitability of pile and investigate the soil. To study the advantages and efficiency of using cast-in-place pile for the building. To study the guidelines for the design of cast in-place structure according to BS 8004, 8110, 8002, etc. To design the pile foundation as per the guidelines and the soil conditions (analyse the load, calculate the moment and determine the length and diameter and reinforcement). To use computer structural designing program for performing design (CAD and STAD). 1.3 Methods The methods followed in preparing this project is by collecting the project plan and the soil investigation report. Then after that, research has been done on in-situ pile foundation type, to identify its characteristics. The next step is to study the pile designing criteria by referring to BS 8004, 8110 8002 codes to understand the guidelines, which shall be followed to accomplish the pile design. For this, the structural loads have to be analysed and identified using ultimate state design method. Then the design is processed depending on the data gathered on soil conditions, design loads and BS code guidelines. Thus, a proposal for the suitable pile will be prepared by identifying the reasons over the proposal. The commonest function of piles is to transfer a load that cannot be adequately supported at shallow depths to a depth where adequate support becomes available, also against uplift forces which cause cracks and other damages on superstructure. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2 Pile Foundation â€Å"Pile foundations are used extensively in bridges, high-rise buildings, towers and special structures. In practice, piles are generally used in groups to transmit a column load to a deeper and stronger soil stratum. Pile may respond to loading individually or as a group. In the latter case, the group and the surrounding soil will formulate a block to resist the column load. This may lead to a group capacity that is different from the total capacity of individual piles making up the group.† (Adel M. Hanna et al, 2004). â€Å"Pile foundations are the part of a structure used to carry and transfer the load of the structure to the bearing ground located at some depth below ground surface. The main components of the foundation are the pile cap and the piles. Piles are long and slender members which transfer the load to deeper soil or rock of high bearing capacity avoiding shallow soil of low bearing capacity. The main types of materials used for piles are Wood, steel and concrete. Piles made from these materials are driven, drilled or jacked into the ground and connected to pile caps. Depending upon type of soil, pile material and load transmitting characteristic piles are classified accordingly.† (Ascalew Abebe et al, 2005) 2.1 Functions of Piles The purposes of pile foundations are: to transmit a foundation load to a solid ground. to resist vertical, lateral and uplift load. â€Å"A structure can be founded on piles if the soil immediately beneath its base does not have adequate bearing capacity. If the results of site investigation show that the shallow soil is unstable and weak or if the magnitude of the estimated settlement is not acceptable a pile foundation may become considered. Further, a cost estimate may indicate that a pile foundation may be cheaper than any other compared ground improvement costs. Piles can also be used in normal ground conditions to resist horizontal loads. Piles are a convenient method of foundation for works over water, such as jetties or bridge piers.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide, by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith, 2003). 2.2 Classification of Piles 2.2.1 Classification of pile with respect to load transmission End-bearing. Friction-piles. Mixture of cohesion piles friction piles. End bearing piles This type of piles is designed to transfer the structural load to a stable soil layer which is found at a greater depth below the ground. The load bearing capacity of this stratum is found by the soil penetration resistance from the pile-toe (as in figure The pile normally has attributes of a normal column, and should be designed as per the guidelines. The pile will not collapse in a weak soil, and this should be studied only if a part of the given pile is unsupported. (Eg: If it is erected on water / air). Load transmission occurs through cohesion / friction, into the soil. At times, the soil around the pile may stick to the pile surface and starts â€Å"negative skin friction†. This phenomenon may have an inverse effect on the pile capacity. This is mainly caused due to the soil consolidation and ground water drainage. The pile depth is determined after reviewing the results from the soil tests and site investigation reports. Friction piles (cohesion) The bearing capacity is calculated from the soil friction in contact with the pile shaft. (as in Figure Mixture of cohesion piles friction piles. This is an extended end-bearing pile, when the soil underneath it is not hard, which bears the load. The pile is driven deep into the soil to create efficient frictional resistance. A modified version of the end-bearing pile is to have enlarged bearing base on the piles. This can be achieved by immediately pushing a large portion of concrete into the soft soil layer right above the firm soil layer, to have an enlarged base. Similar result is made with bored-piles by creating a bell / cone at the bottom by the means of reaming tools. Bored piles are used as tension piles as they are provided with a bell which has a high tensile-strength. (as in figure 2.3 Cast-in-Place Pile Foundation Cast-in-place piles are installed by driving to the desired penetration a heavy-section steel tube with its end temporarily closed. A reinforcing cage is next placed in a tube which is filled with concrete. The tube is withdrawn while placing the concrete or after it has been placed. In other types of pile, thin steel shells or precast concrete shells are driven by means of an internal mandrel, and concrete, with or without reinforcement, is placed in the permanent shells after withdrawing the mandrel. 2.3.1 Advantages Length of the pile can be freely altered to cater varying ground conditions. Soil removed during the boring process can be verified and further tests can be made on it. Large diameter installations are possible. End enlargements up to two or three diameters are possible in clays. Pile materials are independent during driving / handling. Can be installed to greater depths in the soil. Vibration-free and noise-free while installation. Can be installed in conditions of very low headroom. Ground shocks are completely nil. 2.3.2 Disadvantages Susceptible to necking or wasting in pressing ground. Concrete is not pumped under suitable conditions and cannot be inspected. The cement on the pile shaft will be washed up, if there is a sudden surge of waster from any pressure caused underground. Special techniques need to be used to ensure enlarged pile ends. Cannot be easily prolonged above ground-level especially in river and marine structures. Sandy soils may loosen due to boring methods and base grouting may be required for gravely soils to improve base resistance. Sinking piles may result in ground-loss, leading to settlement of nearby structures. CHAPTER 3 3 Load Distribution To a great extent the design and calculation (load analysis) of pile foundations is carried out using computer software. The following calculations are also performed, assuming the following conditions are met: The pile is rigid. The pile is pinned at the top and at the bottom. Each pile receives the load only vertically (i.e. axially applied). The force P acting on the pile is proportional to the displacement U due to compression. Therefore, P = k U Since P = E A E A = k U k = (E A ) / U Where: P = vertical load component k = material constant U = displacement E = elastic module of pile material A = cross-sectional area of pile (Figure 3 load on single pile) The length L should not necessarily be equal to the actual length of the pile. In a group of piles. If all piles are of the same material, have same cross-sectional area and equal length L, then the value of k is the same for all piles in the group 3.1 Pile foundations: vertical piles only 3.1.1 Neutral axis load The pile cap is causing the vertical compression U, whose magnitude is equal for all members of the group. If Q (the vertical force acting on the pile group) is applied at the neutral axis of the pile group, then the force on a single pile will be as follows: Pv = Q / n Where Pv = vertical component of the load on any pile from the resultant load Q n = number of vertical piles in the group (see figure 3.1.2) Q = total vertical load on pile group 3.1.2 Eccentric Load If the same group of piles are subjected to an eccentric load Q which is causing rotation around axis z (see fig 3.1b); then for the pile i at distance rxi from axis z: Ui = rxi . tanÃŽ ¸ ∠´ Ui = rxi ÃŽ ¸ => Pi = k . r xi . ÃŽ ¸ ÃŽ ¸ is a small angle ∠´ tanÃŽ ¸ ≈ ÃŽ ¸ (see figure 3.1.2). Pi = force (load on a single pile i). Ui = displacement caused by the eccentric force (load) Q. rxi = distance between pile and neutral axis of pile group. rxi positive measured the same direction as e and negative when in the opposite direction. e = distance between point of intersection of resultant of vertical and horizontal loading with underside of pile. (Figure 3.1.2 – Example of a pile foundation – vertical piles) The sum of all the forces acting on the piles should be zero ⇔ ⇔ Mxi = Pi . rxi = k . rxi . ÃŽ ¸ rxi = k . ÃŽ ¸ r2xi => => Mxi = From previous equation, Mz = ÃŽ £Mz Applying the same principle, in the x direction we get equivalent equation. If we assume that the moment MX and MZ generated by the force Q are acting on a group of pile, then the sum of forces acting on a single pile will be as follows: If we dividing each term by the cross-sectional area of the pile, A, we can establish the working stream ÏÆ': CHAPTER 4 4 Load on Pile 4.1 Introduction â€Å"Piles can be arranged in a number of ways so that they can support load imposed on them. Vertical piles can be designed to carry vertical loads as well as lateral loads. If required, vertical piles can be combined with raking piles to support horizontal and vertical forces.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith) â€Å"Often, if a pile group is subjected to vertical force, then the calculation of load distribution on single pile that is member of the group is assumed to be the total load divided by the number of piles in the group.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith) However, if a given pile group is subjected to eccentric vertical load or combination of lateral vertical load that can start moment force. Proper attention should be given during load distribution calculation. 4.2 Pile Arrangement â€Å"Normally, pile foundations consist of pile cap and a group of piles. The pile cap distributes the applied load to the individual piles which, in turn, transfer the load to the bearing ground. The individual piles are spaced and connected to the pile cap. Or tie beams and trimmed in order to connect the pile to the structure at cut-off level, and depending on the type of structure and eccentricity of the load, they can be arranged in different patterns.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith) (Figure 2.2 Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith)) In this section, considering pile/soil interaction, calculations on the bearing capacity of single piles subjected to compressive axial load has been described. During pile design, the following factors should be taken into consideration: Pile material compression and tension capacity. Deformation area of pile, bending moment capacity. Condition of the pile at the top and the end of the pile. Eccentricity of the load applied on the pile. Soil characteristics. Ground water level. 4.3 The behaviour of piles under load Piles are designed in line with the calculations based on load bearing capacity. It is based on the application of final axial-load, as per the given soil conditions at the site, within hours after the installation. This ultimate load capacity can be determined by either: The use of empirical formula to predict capacity from soil properties determined by testing. or Load test on piles at the site. When increasing compressive load is applied on the pile, the pile soil system reacts in a linear elastic way to point A on the above figure (load settlement). The pile head rebounds to the original level if the load realises above this point. â€Å"When the load is increase beyond point A there is yielding at, or close to, the pile-soil interface and slippage occurs until point B is reached, when the maximum skin friction on the pile shaft will have been mobilised. If the load is realised at this stage the pile head will rebound to point C, the amount of permanent settlement being the distance OC. When the stage of full mobilisation of the base resistance is reached (point D), the pile plunges downwards without any farther increase of load, or small increases in load producing large settlements.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide). 4.4 Geotechnical design methods In order to separate their behavioural responses to applied pile load, soils are classified as either granular / noncohesive or clays/cohesive. The generic formulae used to predict soil resistance to pile load include empirical modifying factors which can be adjusted according to previous engineering experience of the influence on the accuracy of predictions of changes in soil type and other factors such as the time delay before load testing. From figure 4.1b, the load settlement response is composed of two separate components, the linear elastic shaft friction Rs and non-linear base resistance Rb. The concept of the separate evaluation of shaft friction and base resistance forms the bases of static or soil mechanics calculation of pile carrying capacity. The basic equations to be used for this are written as: Q = Qb + Qs Wp Rc = Rb + Rs Wp Rt = Rs + Wp Where: Q = Rc = the ultimate compression resistance of the pile. Qb = Rb = base resistance. Qs = Rs = shaft resistance. Wp = weight of the pile. Rt = tensile resistance of pile. In terms of soil mechanics theory, the ultimate skin friction on the pile shaft is related to the horizontal effective stress acting on the shaft and the effective remoulded angle of friction between the pile and the clay and the ultimate shaft resistance Rs can be evaluated by integration of the pile-soil shear strength Ï€a over the surface area of the shaft. Ï„a = Ca + ÏÆ' n tanφ a Where: ÏÆ'n = Ks ÏÆ'v ∠´ Ï„a = Ca + KS ÏÆ'v tanφa where: p = pile perimeter L = pile length φ = angle of friction between pile and soil Ks = coefficient of lateral pressure The ultimate bearing capacity, Rb, of the base is evaluated from the bearing capacity theory: Ab = area of pile base. C = undrained strength of soil at base of pile. NC = bearing capacity factor. CHAPTER 5 5 Calculating the resistance of piles to compressive loads 5.1 Cast in Place Piles – Shaft resistance These piles are installed by drilling through soft overburden onto a strong rock the piles can be regarded as end-bearing elements and their working load is determined by the safe working stress on the pile shaft at the point of minimum cross-section, or by code of practice requirements. Bored piles drilled down for some depth into weak or weathered rocks and terminated within these rocks act partly as friction and partly as end-bearing piles. The author Duncan C. Wyllie, gives a detailed account of the factors governing the development of shaft friction over the depth of the rock socket. The factors which govern the bearing capacity and settlement of the pile are summarized as the following: The length to diameter ratio of the socket. The strength and elastic modulus of the rock around and beneath the socket. The condition of the side walls, that is, roughness and the presence of drill cuttings or bentonite slurry. Condition of the base of the drilled hole with respect to removal of drill cuttings and other loose debris. Layering of the rock with seams of differing strength and moduli. Settlement of the pile in relation to the elastic limit of the side-wall strength. Creep of the material at the rock/concrete interface resulting in increasing settlement with time. The effect of the length/diameter ratio of the socket is shown in Figure 5.1a, for the condition of the rock having a higher elastic modulus than the concrete. It will be seen that if it is desired to utilize base resistance as well as socket friction the socket length should be less than four pile diameters. The high interface stress over the upper part of the socket will be noted. The condition of the side walls is an important factor. In a weak rock such as chalk, clayey shale, or clayey weathered marl, the action of the drilling tools is to cause softening and slurrying of the walls of the borehole and, in the most adverse case, the shaft friction corresponds to that typical of a smooth-bore hole in soft clay. In stronger and fragmented rocks the slurrying does not take place to the same extent, and there is a tendency towards the enlargement of the drill hole, resulting in better keying of the concrete to the rock. If the pile borehole is drilled through soft clay this soil may be carried down by the drilling tools to fill the cavities and smear the sides of the rock socket. This behaviour can be avoided to some extent by inserting a casing and sealing it into the rock-head before continuing the drilling to form the rock socket, but the interior of the casing is likely to be heavily smeared with clay which will be carried down by the drilling tools into the rock socket. As mentioned in Duncan C. Wyllie, suggests that if bentonite is used as a drilling fluid the rock socket shaft friction should be reduced to 25% of that of a clean socket unless tests can be made to verify the actual friction which is developed. It is evident that the keying of the shaft concrete to the rock and hence the strength of the concrete to rock bond is dependent on the strength of the rock. Correlations between the unconfined compression strength of the rock and rock socket bond stress have been established by Horvarth(4.50), Rosenberg and Journeaux(4.51), and Williams and Pells(4.52). The ultimate bond stress, fs, is related to the average unconfined compression strength, quc, by the equation: Where ÃŽ ± = reduction factor relating to, quc as shown in Figure 5.1b ÃŽ ² = correction factor associated with cut-off spacing in the mass of rock as shown in Figure 5.1c. The curve of Williams and Pells in Figure 5.1b is higher than the other two, but the ÃŽ ² factor is unity in all cases for the Horvarth and the Rosenberg and Journeaux curves. It should also be noted that the ÃŽ ± factors for all three curves do not allow for smearing of the rock socket caused by dragdown of clay overburden or degradation of the rock. The ÃŽ ² factor is related to the mass factor, j, which is the ratio of the elastic modulus of the rock mass to that of the intact rock as shown in Figure 5.1d. If the mass factor is not known from loading tests or seismic velocity measurements, it can be obtained approximately from the relationships with the rock quality designation (RQD) or the discontinuity spacing quoted by Hobbs (4.53) as follows: 5.2 End Bearing Capacity Sometimes piles are driven to an underlying layer of rock. In such cases, the engineer must evaluate the bearing capacity of the rock. The ultimate unit point resistance in rock (Goodman, 1980) is approximately. N = tan2 (45 + / 2) qu = unconfined compression strength of rock = drained angle of friction Table 5.2a Table 5.2b The unconfined compression strength of rock can be determined by laboratory tests on rock specimens collected during field investigation. However, extreme caution should be used in obtaining the proper value of qu, because laboratory specimens usually are small in diameter. As the diameter of the specimen increases, the unconfined compression strength decreases a phenomenon referred to as the scale effect. For specimens larger than about 1 m (3f) in diameter, the value of qu remains approximately constant. There appears to be fourfold to fivefold reduction of the magnitude of qu in the process. The scale effect in rock is caused primarily by randomly distributed large and small fractures and also by progressive ruptures along the slip lines. Hence, we always recommend that: The above table (Table 5.2a) lists some representative values of (laboratory) unconfined compression strengths of rock. Representative values of the rock friction angle are given in the above table (Table 5.2b). A factor of safety of at least 3 should be used to determine the allowable point bearing capacity of piles. Thus: CHAPTER 6 6 Pile Load Test (Vesic’s Method) A number of settlement analysis methods for single piles are available. These methods may be broadly classified into three categories: Elastic continuum methods Load–transfer methods Numerical methods Examples of such methods are the elastic methods proposed by Vesic (1977) and Poulos and Davis (1980), the simplified elastic methods proposed by Randolph and Wroth (1978) and Fleming et al. (1992), the nonlinear load–transfer methods proposed by Coyle and Reese (1966) and McVay et al. (1989), and the numerical methods based on advanced constitutive models of soil behaviour proposed by Jardine et al. (1986). In this paper, three representative methods are adopted for the calibration exercise: the elastic method proposed by Vesic (1977), the simplified analysis method proposed by Fleming et al. (1992), and a nonlinear load–transfer method (McVay et al. 1989) implemented in program FB-Pier (BSI 2003). In Vesic’s method, the settlement of a pile under vertical loading, S, includes three components: S = S1 + S2 + S3 Where: S1 is the elastic pile compression. S2 is the pile settlement caused by the load at the pile toe. S3 is the pile settlement caused by the load transmitted along the pile shaft. If the pile material is assumed to be elastic, the elastic pile compression can be calculated by: S1 = (Qb + ÃŽ ¾Qs)L / (ApEp) Where Qb and Qs are the loads carried by the pile toe and pile shaft, respectively; Ap is the pile cross-section area; L is the pile length; Ep is the modulus of elasticity of the pile material; and ÃŽ ¾ is a coefficient depending on the nature of unit friction resistance distribution along the pile shaft. In this work, the distribution is assumed to be uniform and hence ÃŽ ¾ = 0.5. Settlement S2 may be expressed in a form similar to that for a shallow foundation. S2 = (qbD / Esb) (1-v2)Ib Where: D is the pile width or diameter qb is the load per unit area at the pile toe qb = Qb /Ab Ab is the pile base area Esb is the modulus of elasticity of the soil at the pile toe Ñ µ is Poisson’s ratio Ib is an influence factor, generally Ib = 0.85 S3 = (Qs / pL) (D / Ess) (1 – Ñ µ2) Is Where: p is the pile perimeter. Ess is the modulus of elasticity of the soil along the pile shaft. Is is an influence factor. The influence factor Is can be calculated by an empirical relation (Vesic 1977). Is = 2 + 0.35 √(L/D) With Vesic’s method, both Qb and Qs are required. In this report, Qb and Qs are obtained using two methods. In the first method (Vesic’s method I), these two loads are determined from a nonlinear load–transfer method, which will be introduced later. In the second method (Vesic’s method II), these two loads are determined using empirical ratios of Qb to the total load applied on pile Q based on field test data. Shek (2005) reported load–transfer in 14 test piles, including 11 piles founded in soil and 3 piles founded on rock. The mean ratios of Qb /Q for the piles founded in soil and the piles founded on rock are summarized in Table 3 and applied in this calibration exercise. The mean values of Qb /Q at twice the design load and the failure load are very similar. Hence, the average of the mean values is adopted for calibration at both twice the design load and the failure load. In the Fleming et al. method, the settlement of a pile is given by the following approximate closed-form solution (Fleming et al. 1992): Where: n = rb / r0, r0 and rb are the radii of the pile shaft and pile toe, respectively (for H-piles, Ï€ro2 = Ï€rb2 = Dh, h is the depth of the pile cross-section) ÃŽ ¾G = GL/Gb, GL is the shear modulus of the soil at depth L, and Gb is the shear modulus of the soil beneath the pile toe. Ï  = Gave/GL, Gave is the average shear modulus of the soil along the pile shaft p is the pile stiffness ratio p = Ep / GL; ÃŽ ¶ = ln{[0.25 +(2.5Ï (1 – v) –0.25) ÃŽ ¾G] L/r0}; É ¥L = (2/)1/2(L/r0). If the slenderness ratio L/r0 is less than 0.5p1/2 (L/r0) the pile may be treated as effectively rigid and eq. [7] then reduces to: If the slenderness ratio L/r0 is larger than 3Ï€p1/2, the pile may be treated as infinitely long, and eq. [7] then reduces to: In this case, GL’ is the soil shear modulus at the bottom of the active pile length Lac, where Lac = 3r0p1/2. In the nonlinear load–transfer method implemented in FB-Pier, the axial –Z curve for modelling the pile–soil interaction along the pile is given as (McVay et al. 1989) In-place Pile Foundation for a Tower-building Project In-place Pile Foundation for a Tower-building Project CHAPTER 1 1 Introduction Pile foundations are used to carry a load and transfer the load of a given structure to the ground bearing, which is found below the ground at a considerable depth. The foundation consists of several piles and pile-caps. Pile foundations are generally long and lean, that transfers the structure load to the underlying soil (at a greater depth) or any rock having a great load-bearing ability. â€Å"The main types of materials used for piles are Wood, steel and concrete. Piles made from these materials are driven, drilled or jacked into the ground and connected to pile caps. Depending upon type of soil, pile material and load transmitting characteristic piles are classified accordingly.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith). The objective of this project is to identify the design use of a cast-in-place pile foundation, for the tower-building project. The tower building project is called the Gemini Towers. The purpose of this construction (building) is to facilitate office spaces. This also resides on a rocky area. The building has been designed as per state-of-the-art designing concepts which are basically to attract foreign investors to invest in Oman. The Gemini Building has 1 basement, 1 ground and 19 floors. Cast-in-place concrete piles are shafts of concrete cast in thin shell pipes, top driven in the soil, and usually closed end. Such piles can provide up to a 200-kip capacity. The chief advantage over precast piles is the ease of changing lengths by cutting or splicing the shell. The material cost of cast-in-place piles is relatively low. They are not feasible when driving through hard soils or rock. 1.1 Aim The aim of this project is to design and propose cast in-place pile foundation for a tower-building project and study the efficiency for the same. To achieve this aim the following objective has to be achieved. 1.2 Objectives The objectives of this project are as following: To study the field soil condition, suitability of pile and investigate the soil. To study the advantages and efficiency of using cast-in-place pile for the building. To study the guidelines for the design of cast in-place structure according to BS 8004, 8110, 8002, etc. To design the pile foundation as per the guidelines and the soil conditions (analyse the load, calculate the moment and determine the length and diameter and reinforcement). To use computer structural designing program for performing design (CAD and STAD). 1.3 Methods The methods followed in preparing this project is by collecting the project plan and the soil investigation report. Then after that, research has been done on in-situ pile foundation type, to identify its characteristics. The next step is to study the pile designing criteria by referring to BS 8004, 8110 8002 codes to understand the guidelines, which shall be followed to accomplish the pile design. For this, the structural loads have to be analysed and identified using ultimate state design method. Then the design is processed depending on the data gathered on soil conditions, design loads and BS code guidelines. Thus, a proposal for the suitable pile will be prepared by identifying the reasons over the proposal. The commonest function of piles is to transfer a load that cannot be adequately supported at shallow depths to a depth where adequate support becomes available, also against uplift forces which cause cracks and other damages on superstructure. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2 Pile Foundation â€Å"Pile foundations are used extensively in bridges, high-rise buildings, towers and special structures. In practice, piles are generally used in groups to transmit a column load to a deeper and stronger soil stratum. Pile may respond to loading individually or as a group. In the latter case, the group and the surrounding soil will formulate a block to resist the column load. This may lead to a group capacity that is different from the total capacity of individual piles making up the group.† (Adel M. Hanna et al, 2004). â€Å"Pile foundations are the part of a structure used to carry and transfer the load of the structure to the bearing ground located at some depth below ground surface. The main components of the foundation are the pile cap and the piles. Piles are long and slender members which transfer the load to deeper soil or rock of high bearing capacity avoiding shallow soil of low bearing capacity. The main types of materials used for piles are Wood, steel and concrete. Piles made from these materials are driven, drilled or jacked into the ground and connected to pile caps. Depending upon type of soil, pile material and load transmitting characteristic piles are classified accordingly.† (Ascalew Abebe et al, 2005) 2.1 Functions of Piles The purposes of pile foundations are: to transmit a foundation load to a solid ground. to resist vertical, lateral and uplift load. â€Å"A structure can be founded on piles if the soil immediately beneath its base does not have adequate bearing capacity. If the results of site investigation show that the shallow soil is unstable and weak or if the magnitude of the estimated settlement is not acceptable a pile foundation may become considered. Further, a cost estimate may indicate that a pile foundation may be cheaper than any other compared ground improvement costs. Piles can also be used in normal ground conditions to resist horizontal loads. Piles are a convenient method of foundation for works over water, such as jetties or bridge piers.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide, by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith, 2003). 2.2 Classification of Piles 2.2.1 Classification of pile with respect to load transmission End-bearing. Friction-piles. Mixture of cohesion piles friction piles. End bearing piles This type of piles is designed to transfer the structural load to a stable soil layer which is found at a greater depth below the ground. The load bearing capacity of this stratum is found by the soil penetration resistance from the pile-toe (as in figure The pile normally has attributes of a normal column, and should be designed as per the guidelines. The pile will not collapse in a weak soil, and this should be studied only if a part of the given pile is unsupported. (Eg: If it is erected on water / air). Load transmission occurs through cohesion / friction, into the soil. At times, the soil around the pile may stick to the pile surface and starts â€Å"negative skin friction†. This phenomenon may have an inverse effect on the pile capacity. This is mainly caused due to the soil consolidation and ground water drainage. The pile depth is determined after reviewing the results from the soil tests and site investigation reports. Friction piles (cohesion) The bearing capacity is calculated from the soil friction in contact with the pile shaft. (as in Figure Mixture of cohesion piles friction piles. This is an extended end-bearing pile, when the soil underneath it is not hard, which bears the load. The pile is driven deep into the soil to create efficient frictional resistance. A modified version of the end-bearing pile is to have enlarged bearing base on the piles. This can be achieved by immediately pushing a large portion of concrete into the soft soil layer right above the firm soil layer, to have an enlarged base. Similar result is made with bored-piles by creating a bell / cone at the bottom by the means of reaming tools. Bored piles are used as tension piles as they are provided with a bell which has a high tensile-strength. (as in figure 2.3 Cast-in-Place Pile Foundation Cast-in-place piles are installed by driving to the desired penetration a heavy-section steel tube with its end temporarily closed. A reinforcing cage is next placed in a tube which is filled with concrete. The tube is withdrawn while placing the concrete or after it has been placed. In other types of pile, thin steel shells or precast concrete shells are driven by means of an internal mandrel, and concrete, with or without reinforcement, is placed in the permanent shells after withdrawing the mandrel. 2.3.1 Advantages Length of the pile can be freely altered to cater varying ground conditions. Soil removed during the boring process can be verified and further tests can be made on it. Large diameter installations are possible. End enlargements up to two or three diameters are possible in clays. Pile materials are independent during driving / handling. Can be installed to greater depths in the soil. Vibration-free and noise-free while installation. Can be installed in conditions of very low headroom. Ground shocks are completely nil. 2.3.2 Disadvantages Susceptible to necking or wasting in pressing ground. Concrete is not pumped under suitable conditions and cannot be inspected. The cement on the pile shaft will be washed up, if there is a sudden surge of waster from any pressure caused underground. Special techniques need to be used to ensure enlarged pile ends. Cannot be easily prolonged above ground-level especially in river and marine structures. Sandy soils may loosen due to boring methods and base grouting may be required for gravely soils to improve base resistance. Sinking piles may result in ground-loss, leading to settlement of nearby structures. CHAPTER 3 3 Load Distribution To a great extent the design and calculation (load analysis) of pile foundations is carried out using computer software. The following calculations are also performed, assuming the following conditions are met: The pile is rigid. The pile is pinned at the top and at the bottom. Each pile receives the load only vertically (i.e. axially applied). The force P acting on the pile is proportional to the displacement U due to compression. Therefore, P = k U Since P = E A E A = k U k = (E A ) / U Where: P = vertical load component k = material constant U = displacement E = elastic module of pile material A = cross-sectional area of pile (Figure 3 load on single pile) The length L should not necessarily be equal to the actual length of the pile. In a group of piles. If all piles are of the same material, have same cross-sectional area and equal length L, then the value of k is the same for all piles in the group 3.1 Pile foundations: vertical piles only 3.1.1 Neutral axis load The pile cap is causing the vertical compression U, whose magnitude is equal for all members of the group. If Q (the vertical force acting on the pile group) is applied at the neutral axis of the pile group, then the force on a single pile will be as follows: Pv = Q / n Where Pv = vertical component of the load on any pile from the resultant load Q n = number of vertical piles in the group (see figure 3.1.2) Q = total vertical load on pile group 3.1.2 Eccentric Load If the same group of piles are subjected to an eccentric load Q which is causing rotation around axis z (see fig 3.1b); then for the pile i at distance rxi from axis z: Ui = rxi . tanÃŽ ¸ ∠´ Ui = rxi ÃŽ ¸ => Pi = k . r xi . ÃŽ ¸ ÃŽ ¸ is a small angle ∠´ tanÃŽ ¸ ≈ ÃŽ ¸ (see figure 3.1.2). Pi = force (load on a single pile i). Ui = displacement caused by the eccentric force (load) Q. rxi = distance between pile and neutral axis of pile group. rxi positive measured the same direction as e and negative when in the opposite direction. e = distance between point of intersection of resultant of vertical and horizontal loading with underside of pile. (Figure 3.1.2 – Example of a pile foundation – vertical piles) The sum of all the forces acting on the piles should be zero ⇔ ⇔ Mxi = Pi . rxi = k . rxi . ÃŽ ¸ rxi = k . ÃŽ ¸ r2xi => => Mxi = From previous equation, Mz = ÃŽ £Mz Applying the same principle, in the x direction we get equivalent equation. If we assume that the moment MX and MZ generated by the force Q are acting on a group of pile, then the sum of forces acting on a single pile will be as follows: If we dividing each term by the cross-sectional area of the pile, A, we can establish the working stream ÏÆ': CHAPTER 4 4 Load on Pile 4.1 Introduction â€Å"Piles can be arranged in a number of ways so that they can support load imposed on them. Vertical piles can be designed to carry vertical loads as well as lateral loads. If required, vertical piles can be combined with raking piles to support horizontal and vertical forces.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith) â€Å"Often, if a pile group is subjected to vertical force, then the calculation of load distribution on single pile that is member of the group is assumed to be the total load divided by the number of piles in the group.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith) However, if a given pile group is subjected to eccentric vertical load or combination of lateral vertical load that can start moment force. Proper attention should be given during load distribution calculation. 4.2 Pile Arrangement â€Å"Normally, pile foundations consist of pile cap and a group of piles. The pile cap distributes the applied load to the individual piles which, in turn, transfer the load to the bearing ground. The individual piles are spaced and connected to the pile cap. Or tie beams and trimmed in order to connect the pile to the structure at cut-off level, and depending on the type of structure and eccentricity of the load, they can be arranged in different patterns.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith) (Figure 2.2 Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide by Ascalew Abebe Dr Ian GN Smith)) In this section, considering pile/soil interaction, calculations on the bearing capacity of single piles subjected to compressive axial load has been described. During pile design, the following factors should be taken into consideration: Pile material compression and tension capacity. Deformation area of pile, bending moment capacity. Condition of the pile at the top and the end of the pile. Eccentricity of the load applied on the pile. Soil characteristics. Ground water level. 4.3 The behaviour of piles under load Piles are designed in line with the calculations based on load bearing capacity. It is based on the application of final axial-load, as per the given soil conditions at the site, within hours after the installation. This ultimate load capacity can be determined by either: The use of empirical formula to predict capacity from soil properties determined by testing. or Load test on piles at the site. When increasing compressive load is applied on the pile, the pile soil system reacts in a linear elastic way to point A on the above figure (load settlement). The pile head rebounds to the original level if the load realises above this point. â€Å"When the load is increase beyond point A there is yielding at, or close to, the pile-soil interface and slippage occurs until point B is reached, when the maximum skin friction on the pile shaft will have been mobilised. If the load is realised at this stage the pile head will rebound to point C, the amount of permanent settlement being the distance OC. When the stage of full mobilisation of the base resistance is reached (point D), the pile plunges downwards without any farther increase of load, or small increases in load producing large settlements.† (Pile Foundation Design: A Student Guide). 4.4 Geotechnical design methods In order to separate their behavioural responses to applied pile load, soils are classified as either granular / noncohesive or clays/cohesive. The generic formulae used to predict soil resistance to pile load include empirical modifying factors which can be adjusted according to previous engineering experience of the influence on the accuracy of predictions of changes in soil type and other factors such as the time delay before load testing. From figure 4.1b, the load settlement response is composed of two separate components, the linear elastic shaft friction Rs and non-linear base resistance Rb. The concept of the separate evaluation of shaft friction and base resistance forms the bases of static or soil mechanics calculation of pile carrying capacity. The basic equations to be used for this are written as: Q = Qb + Qs Wp Rc = Rb + Rs Wp Rt = Rs + Wp Where: Q = Rc = the ultimate compression resistance of the pile. Qb = Rb = base resistance. Qs = Rs = shaft resistance. Wp = weight of the pile. Rt = tensile resistance of pile. In terms of soil mechanics theory, the ultimate skin friction on the pile shaft is related to the horizontal effective stress acting on the shaft and the effective remoulded angle of friction between the pile and the clay and the ultimate shaft resistance Rs can be evaluated by integration of the pile-soil shear strength Ï€a over the surface area of the shaft. Ï„a = Ca + ÏÆ' n tanφ a Where: ÏÆ'n = Ks ÏÆ'v ∠´ Ï„a = Ca + KS ÏÆ'v tanφa where: p = pile perimeter L = pile length φ = angle of friction between pile and soil Ks = coefficient of lateral pressure The ultimate bearing capacity, Rb, of the base is evaluated from the bearing capacity theory: Ab = area of pile base. C = undrained strength of soil at base of pile. NC = bearing capacity factor. CHAPTER 5 5 Calculating the resistance of piles to compressive loads 5.1 Cast in Place Piles – Shaft resistance These piles are installed by drilling through soft overburden onto a strong rock the piles can be regarded as end-bearing elements and their working load is determined by the safe working stress on the pile shaft at the point of minimum cross-section, or by code of practice requirements. Bored piles drilled down for some depth into weak or weathered rocks and terminated within these rocks act partly as friction and partly as end-bearing piles. The author Duncan C. Wyllie, gives a detailed account of the factors governing the development of shaft friction over the depth of the rock socket. The factors which govern the bearing capacity and settlement of the pile are summarized as the following: The length to diameter ratio of the socket. The strength and elastic modulus of the rock around and beneath the socket. The condition of the side walls, that is, roughness and the presence of drill cuttings or bentonite slurry. Condition of the base of the drilled hole with respect to removal of drill cuttings and other loose debris. Layering of the rock with seams of differing strength and moduli. Settlement of the pile in relation to the elastic limit of the side-wall strength. Creep of the material at the rock/concrete interface resulting in increasing settlement with time. The effect of the length/diameter ratio of the socket is shown in Figure 5.1a, for the condition of the rock having a higher elastic modulus than the concrete. It will be seen that if it is desired to utilize base resistance as well as socket friction the socket length should be less than four pile diameters. The high interface stress over the upper part of the socket will be noted. The condition of the side walls is an important factor. In a weak rock such as chalk, clayey shale, or clayey weathered marl, the action of the drilling tools is to cause softening and slurrying of the walls of the borehole and, in the most adverse case, the shaft friction corresponds to that typical of a smooth-bore hole in soft clay. In stronger and fragmented rocks the slurrying does not take place to the same extent, and there is a tendency towards the enlargement of the drill hole, resulting in better keying of the concrete to the rock. If the pile borehole is drilled through soft clay this soil may be carried down by the drilling tools to fill the cavities and smear the sides of the rock socket. This behaviour can be avoided to some extent by inserting a casing and sealing it into the rock-head before continuing the drilling to form the rock socket, but the interior of the casing is likely to be heavily smeared with clay which will be carried down by the drilling tools into the rock socket. As mentioned in Duncan C. Wyllie, suggests that if bentonite is used as a drilling fluid the rock socket shaft friction should be reduced to 25% of that of a clean socket unless tests can be made to verify the actual friction which is developed. It is evident that the keying of the shaft concrete to the rock and hence the strength of the concrete to rock bond is dependent on the strength of the rock. Correlations between the unconfined compression strength of the rock and rock socket bond stress have been established by Horvarth(4.50), Rosenberg and Journeaux(4.51), and Williams and Pells(4.52). The ultimate bond stress, fs, is related to the average unconfined compression strength, quc, by the equation: Where ÃŽ ± = reduction factor relating to, quc as shown in Figure 5.1b ÃŽ ² = correction factor associated with cut-off spacing in the mass of rock as shown in Figure 5.1c. The curve of Williams and Pells in Figure 5.1b is higher than the other two, but the ÃŽ ² factor is unity in all cases for the Horvarth and the Rosenberg and Journeaux curves. It should also be noted that the ÃŽ ± factors for all three curves do not allow for smearing of the rock socket caused by dragdown of clay overburden or degradation of the rock. The ÃŽ ² factor is related to the mass factor, j, which is the ratio of the elastic modulus of the rock mass to that of the intact rock as shown in Figure 5.1d. If the mass factor is not known from loading tests or seismic velocity measurements, it can be obtained approximately from the relationships with the rock quality designation (RQD) or the discontinuity spacing quoted by Hobbs (4.53) as follows: 5.2 End Bearing Capacity Sometimes piles are driven to an underlying layer of rock. In such cases, the engineer must evaluate the bearing capacity of the rock. The ultimate unit point resistance in rock (Goodman, 1980) is approximately. N = tan2 (45 + / 2) qu = unconfined compression strength of rock = drained angle of friction Table 5.2a Table 5.2b The unconfined compression strength of rock can be determined by laboratory tests on rock specimens collected during field investigation. However, extreme caution should be used in obtaining the proper value of qu, because laboratory specimens usually are small in diameter. As the diameter of the specimen increases, the unconfined compression strength decreases a phenomenon referred to as the scale effect. For specimens larger than about 1 m (3f) in diameter, the value of qu remains approximately constant. There appears to be fourfold to fivefold reduction of the magnitude of qu in the process. The scale effect in rock is caused primarily by randomly distributed large and small fractures and also by progressive ruptures along the slip lines. Hence, we always recommend that: The above table (Table 5.2a) lists some representative values of (laboratory) unconfined compression strengths of rock. Representative values of the rock friction angle are given in the above table (Table 5.2b). A factor of safety of at least 3 should be used to determine the allowable point bearing capacity of piles. Thus: CHAPTER 6 6 Pile Load Test (Vesic’s Method) A number of settlement analysis methods for single piles are available. These methods may be broadly classified into three categories: Elastic continuum methods Load–transfer methods Numerical methods Examples of such methods are the elastic methods proposed by Vesic (1977) and Poulos and Davis (1980), the simplified elastic methods proposed by Randolph and Wroth (1978) and Fleming et al. (1992), the nonlinear load–transfer methods proposed by Coyle and Reese (1966) and McVay et al. (1989), and the numerical methods based on advanced constitutive models of soil behaviour proposed by Jardine et al. (1986). In this paper, three representative methods are adopted for the calibration exercise: the elastic method proposed by Vesic (1977), the simplified analysis method proposed by Fleming et al. (1992), and a nonlinear load–transfer method (McVay et al. 1989) implemented in program FB-Pier (BSI 2003). In Vesic’s method, the settlement of a pile under vertical loading, S, includes three components: S = S1 + S2 + S3 Where: S1 is the elastic pile compression. S2 is the pile settlement caused by the load at the pile toe. S3 is the pile settlement caused by the load transmitted along the pile shaft. If the pile material is assumed to be elastic, the elastic pile compression can be calculated by: S1 = (Qb + ÃŽ ¾Qs)L / (ApEp) Where Qb and Qs are the loads carried by the pile toe and pile shaft, respectively; Ap is the pile cross-section area; L is the pile length; Ep is the modulus of elasticity of the pile material; and ÃŽ ¾ is a coefficient depending on the nature of unit friction resistance distribution along the pile shaft. In this work, the distribution is assumed to be uniform and hence ÃŽ ¾ = 0.5. Settlement S2 may be expressed in a form similar to that for a shallow foundation. S2 = (qbD / Esb) (1-v2)Ib Where: D is the pile width or diameter qb is the load per unit area at the pile toe qb = Qb /Ab Ab is the pile base area Esb is the modulus of elasticity of the soil at the pile toe Ñ µ is Poisson’s ratio Ib is an influence factor, generally Ib = 0.85 S3 = (Qs / pL) (D / Ess) (1 – Ñ µ2) Is Where: p is the pile perimeter. Ess is the modulus of elasticity of the soil along the pile shaft. Is is an influence factor. The influence factor Is can be calculated by an empirical relation (Vesic 1977). Is = 2 + 0.35 √(L/D) With Vesic’s method, both Qb and Qs are required. In this report, Qb and Qs are obtained using two methods. In the first method (Vesic’s method I), these two loads are determined from a nonlinear load–transfer method, which will be introduced later. In the second method (Vesic’s method II), these two loads are determined using empirical ratios of Qb to the total load applied on pile Q based on field test data. Shek (2005) reported load–transfer in 14 test piles, including 11 piles founded in soil and 3 piles founded on rock. The mean ratios of Qb /Q for the piles founded in soil and the piles founded on rock are summarized in Table 3 and applied in this calibration exercise. The mean values of Qb /Q at twice the design load and the failure load are very similar. Hence, the average of the mean values is adopted for calibration at both twice the design load and the failure load. In the Fleming et al. method, the settlement of a pile is given by the following approximate closed-form solution (Fleming et al. 1992): Where: n = rb / r0, r0 and rb are the radii of the pile shaft and pile toe, respectively (for H-piles, Ï€ro2 = Ï€rb2 = Dh, h is the depth of the pile cross-section) ÃŽ ¾G = GL/Gb, GL is the shear modulus of the soil at depth L, and Gb is the shear modulus of the soil beneath the pile toe. Ï  = Gave/GL, Gave is the average shear modulus of the soil along the pile shaft p is the pile stiffness ratio p = Ep / GL; ÃŽ ¶ = ln{[0.25 +(2.5Ï (1 – v) –0.25) ÃŽ ¾G] L/r0}; É ¥L = (2/)1/2(L/r0). If the slenderness ratio L/r0 is less than 0.5p1/2 (L/r0) the pile may be treated as effectively rigid and eq. [7] then reduces to: If the slenderness ratio L/r0 is larger than 3Ï€p1/2, the pile may be treated as infinitely long, and eq. [7] then reduces to: In this case, GL’ is the soil shear modulus at the bottom of the active pile length Lac, where Lac = 3r0p1/2. In the nonlinear load–transfer method implemented in FB-Pier, the axial –Z curve for modelling the pile–soil interaction along the pile is given as (McVay et al. 1989)

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Big Experience on the Golf Course :: essays research papers

The Big Experience On the Golf Course   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Golf is a big experience for me in the first place. Three reasons why this certain tournament was such an experience was because I was the leader of our team. It was for pride against the other players we were playing, and it just was not for the pride it was also for the money and that played a big role in it also. Golf has brought me a long way like going to college and the way I look at certain things now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being the captain of our team was a big privilege but it also made me very nervous. I knew that I had to do my part and carry our team because they were counting on me more than anybody else. This was the first time I was ever the leader of the group or the captain as most people call it. Before we started I had a lot of bad thoughts rushing through my head like what if you don’t play good or your team mates get mad because you don’t hit a good shot or that I am not as good as they think I am. This was really a lot of pressure to me, believe it or not. We stepped on the first tee and all my teammates teed off and it was my turn. I teed my ball up took a deep breathe, stepped up to the ball and hit it straight down the middle. My teammates told me â€Å"great shot Dell.† That really relaxed me and I played so good. I was on my game all day long and nothing was going to get my way, not even a tree. I just felt like I could not do anything wrong that day. I kind of felt like I was a machine because everything was just so nice and smooth like a routine would be. Anybody that plays golf on a regular basis knows what I am talking about whenever I say â€Å"my swing just felt so good and smooth.† My teammates were really impressed with my skills. After we were through they were bragging to all the other teams about how good I was and how far I could hit a golf ball. That made me feel good and that I did everything that I could to help out my team. They were really a great team The Big Experience on the Golf Course :: essays research papers The Big Experience On the Golf Course   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Golf is a big experience for me in the first place. Three reasons why this certain tournament was such an experience was because I was the leader of our team. It was for pride against the other players we were playing, and it just was not for the pride it was also for the money and that played a big role in it also. Golf has brought me a long way like going to college and the way I look at certain things now.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Being the captain of our team was a big privilege but it also made me very nervous. I knew that I had to do my part and carry our team because they were counting on me more than anybody else. This was the first time I was ever the leader of the group or the captain as most people call it. Before we started I had a lot of bad thoughts rushing through my head like what if you don’t play good or your team mates get mad because you don’t hit a good shot or that I am not as good as they think I am. This was really a lot of pressure to me, believe it or not. We stepped on the first tee and all my teammates teed off and it was my turn. I teed my ball up took a deep breathe, stepped up to the ball and hit it straight down the middle. My teammates told me â€Å"great shot Dell.† That really relaxed me and I played so good. I was on my game all day long and nothing was going to get my way, not even a tree. I just felt like I could not do anything wrong that day. I kind of felt like I was a machine because everything was just so nice and smooth like a routine would be. Anybody that plays golf on a regular basis knows what I am talking about whenever I say â€Å"my swing just felt so good and smooth.† My teammates were really impressed with my skills. After we were through they were bragging to all the other teams about how good I was and how far I could hit a golf ball. That made me feel good and that I did everything that I could to help out my team. They were really a great team